Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy expended for everything we do that does not include sleeping, eating, or exercise; and ranges from simple things like standing and fidgeting to moving about.

Over the past few years, researchers have begun investigating the remaining 110 – 115 hours of the week that we are awake as a weight loss solution, rather than the few hours a week spent trying to exercise.

The results are impressive. They provide many opportunities to achieve effective and sustained weight loss without complicating our lives, finding more time to exercise, doing things we may despise, or even exceeding our own comfort levels or abilities.


✅ Stand more. Start by attempting to stand or move about for 5 to 10-minute increments while you complete various daily activities.

✅ Pace the sidelines at your kids’ footy, netball practice etc

✅ Carry your groceries instead of pushing a trolly

✅ Walk briskly whenever you can. Walking is an excellent strategy for weight loss!

✅ Pace or walk while talking on the phone.

✅ Find ways to integrate standing and moving activities – a little here and there. Remember, every little calorie counts throughout your day; every little victory moves you forward.

As little as 100 calories each day translates to approximately 10 lbs. lost in a year; 200 calories equals the loss of 20 lbs., without even breaking a sweat. 

By comparison, 10 lbs. for a 145 lb. person requires almost 120, 30-minute cardio sessions at 5 mph.

So, add these NEAT calories to an exercise plan you find manageable and enjoyable, and you’ll enjoy greater success in achieving your weight loss goals.

I’m a fitpro and I choose to walk where & whenever I can to increase my NEAT… the physical benefits are second to none ???


Jayne ???


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